The battle of two cities

People always love a good rivalry. HKU Vs. NUS. Cafe de Coral Vs. Fairwood. …Birmingham Vs. Manchester? The two cities have been fighting for ‘UK’s Second City’ status for years (Although Manchester sometimes claims the title ‘The Capital of the North’, neither city can really challenge London yet). It’s always been quite clear who has…

By UK Property Insider 24 November 2021 0

Interest-ing times ahead

Since the start of the pandemic, the UK property market has made it a point to do the exact opposite of what many major news headlines predicted. So far, the market has shrugged off every strain of COVID-19, lockdowns, Brexit, and the frequent warnings of a crash or correction. As of August 2021, the UK official house price index grew…

By UK Property Insider 24 November 2021 0